2023 Annual General Meeting
The NBSC Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday 13 November 2023 at the NBSC clubrooms.
Accordingly in line with the CLUB RULES, the Secretary is calling for nominations from all members for election to the NBSC committee.
Any member who wishes to be considered for election to the committee at the annual general meeting must notify the secretary before or at the annual general meeting.
A member may nominate for one specified position of office holder of The Club or to be an ordinary committee member.
The committee members NBSC consist of;
(a) the office holders of The Club; and
(b) at least one ordinary committee member.
The committee determines the maximum number of members who may be ordinary committee members.
The following are the office holders of The Club:
The President
The Vice President of Juniors
The Vice President of Senior Men
The Vice President of Senior Women
The Secretary
The Treasurer
The Registrar
Presently Non-Office Holder Committee Member positions that the current Committee has supported to maintain post the AGM are:
Club Liaison Officer
Communications and Sponsorship Manager
Functions and Events
Property Manager/ Kit Manager (currently vacant)
Bar Manager
Canteen Manager
Women’s Coordinator
Masters Coordinator
Junior Coordinator Coaches
Junior Coordinator Managers
Mini-Roos Coordinator Yrs 10, 11,12
Mini-Roos Coordinator Yrs 8,9
Hub Coordinator Yrs 6 – 7
Hand over documents / role descriptions are available for all positions.
The current Committee is particularly looking for members interested in nominating for the following committee positions:
Club Liaison Officer Football West
Property Manager/ Kit Manager
Members are also encouraged to consider nominating as an Ordinary Committee member position as they can be used to transition into key committee roles and / or support these roles.
All Nominations should be sent to the Secretary of the NBSC at email secretary@nbsc.org.au